We're estate litigation lawyers who specialize in contested estates and inheritance protection claims. We have the experience required to protect your inheritance rights.
See the impact we’ve had through examples of actual cases we have handled.
Case Studies
This was a will contest in Collin County. Two daughters schemed to disinherit their two sisters from their mother’s estate. The mother executed a will two days before she died. The will left her estate to only…
A Grayson County resident married a woman from overseas. They subsequently divorced after a number of years of marriage. He died approximately a year later. Shortly before he died, he executed a will that left her a minor portion of the estate, with the rest to his two brothers. The brothers established an estate in Grayson County. However, the ex wife intervened and claimed…
A woman from Georgia called attorney Michael Young. She and her brother had been disinherited by their mother, in favor of her husband of a few years. She told attorney Young that three other lawyers had turned down her case. But she believed the will was executed under suspicious circumstances…
An elderly woman had three children. One of the children moved in with her in a house in Fannin County. As her health deteriorated, she designed to move to Grayson County to be near her doctor. She paid cash for a new house. However, her son convinced her that…
Attorney Michael Young handled an estate in Collin County that involved disputed accounts and a power of attorney. An elderly man had a will that left his assets equally to his four children. However, he moved in with one of his children, a son, and gave him…
This case involved land in Montague County and the misuse of a power of attorney. A father granted one of his sons a power of attorney to help him manage his business affairs. Without telling his father, the son used the power of attorney to…
An attorney from Ohio hired attorney Michael Young to contest the will of her father. Her father had executed a will disinheriting her, under suspicious circumstances set in place by her half-siblings. Her siblings saw an opportunity to profit from…
An elderly man died without a will. His widow established an estate in Grayson County and was appointed as administrator. His children from a prior marriage were concerned that their step mother might not…
Attorney Michael Young commonly handles life insurance beneficiary disputes. One such case involved an estate and life insurance dispute in Dallas County. Decedent was a female who died at age 51 of cancer. She owned a $300,000 life insurance policy. The primary beneficiary of the policy was her husband. Just over a week before she died…
Decedent designated a friend as the executor of her estate. Her will left the bulk of her estate to two nieces and a nephew. The will was not contested. However, the estate was sued by a third party and disputes arose between…
Decedent was an 86 year old woman. She had a daughter and a son. She generally had a good relationship with both of the children. She suffered from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and related ailments. In the last several years of her life, she was dependent upon oxygen to breathe. Her husband tragically died of…
An elderly gentlemen calls the police several times because he believes his home is being attacked by robbers. Eventually, the police determine he is experiencing hallucinations and he is sent to the psychiatric ward for evaluation. He is eventually sent to an assisted living facility. His son contacts a local lawyer to draw up a will…
“I would highly and unreservedly recommend Michael to anyone.”

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Texas Probate Litigation is a proud member of Wynne, Smith & Young PLLC